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The simplest possible Wikipublisher book is a wiki trail page consisting of:

  1. an itemized list of wiki page links, with a link for each chapter
  2. the (:typeset-book:) directive

When a reader presses the Typeset book button, Wikipublisher assembles the listed pages into a book. The title of the page becomes the book title; the listed pages become chapter titles.

On this page… (hide)

  1.   1.  Chapters
  2.   2.  Parts
  3.   3.  Appendices
  4.   4.  Aphorisms

1.  Chapters

The wiki trail markup for a book with 3 chapters looks like this:

* [[First Chapter Name]]
* [[Second Chapter Name]]
* [[Third Chapter Name]]


If the chapters are long, authors may prefer to have a wiki page for each section instead. Like this:

* First Chapter Name
** [[First Chapter First Section]]
** [[First Chapter Second Section]]
** [[First Chapter Third Section]]

2.  Parts

Authors of multi-part books can use heading markup to divide the list of chapters into parts. Like this:

!! Part: Title of First Part

The keyword Part followed by a colon tells Wikipublisher to use the heading as a part name. Without this keyword, Wikipublisher interprets a heading as a chapter and a first level list item as a section.

3.  Appendices

If the book has one or more appendices, authors need to tell Wikipublisher where the body ends and the appendix begins. Like this:

* [[Last Chapter Name]]
* [[First Appendix | Appendix: First Appendix]]
* [[Second Appendix]]

The keyword Appendix followed by a colon in a page’s link text tells Wikipublisher to start the appendix. In a multi-part book, authors may wish to put the appendices in a separate part. In this example, the unPart keyword tells Wikipublisher to insert an unnumbered part. Like this:

!! unPart: Appendices

4.  Aphorisms

Finally, an author can include a short aphorism or quotation at the start of each chapter, by using definition list markup. Like this:

:[[Chapter Name]]: A wise, humorous, or pithy quotation -- Author Name

Separate the text of the quote from the quote’s author using two hyphens — the markup for an em dash. Aphorisms works best for short quotations; longer ones may over-write the text of the chapter title in some cases. Authors can control line breaks in quotations (e.g., for a verse), using [[<<]] break markup. Like this:

:[[Chapter Name]]: First line of verse,[[<<]]Second line -- Poet Name


Introduction | Book Guide | Front Matter

Page last modified on 30 August 2010 at 07:28 AM