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TipOfTheWeek.PrintTemplate History

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23 February 2009 at 02:16 PM by John Rankin - add new print metadata options
Deleted lines 17-18:
:Duplex:duplex format pages to print 2 sided (*on;off) +
Added lines 20-24:
:Cover page:cover add cover or title page (check on) +

:Duplex:duplex format pages to print 2 sided (*check on) +
Deleted lines 25-26:
:Justification:justification text justified or ragged right (*on;off) +
Changed lines 28-33 from:
:Section on new page:sectionnewpage major section starts new page (on;*off) +

:Autonumber sections:autonumber depth of numbered sections (1 | on;*0| off) +

:Colour links:colorlinks use colour to denote hyperlinks (*on;off) +
:Autonumber depth:autonumber depth of numbered sections (2| subsections;1| sections;*0| off) +

:Table of contents:toc turn bookmarks into table of contents (check on) +

:Section on new page:sectionnewpage major section starts new page (check on) +

:Colour links:colorlinks use colour to denote hyperlinks (*check on) +

:Justification:justification text justified or ragged right (*check on
) +
Changed lines 44-45 from:
:Rule style repeat:hrrepeat repeat horizontal rule character (on;*off) +
:Rule style repeat:hrrepeat repeat horizontal rule character (check on) +

:Urls typewriter-style:urlstyle use typewriter font for url text (*check on
) +
Changed lines 52-53 from:
:Table of contents:toc turn bookmarks into table of contents (on;*off) +
Changed lines 56-57 from:
:Allow floats here:floathere place floats at the current position if possible (on;*off) +
:Allow floats here:floathere place floats at the current position if possible (figures;tables;cfloats|custom floats;on|all floats;*off) +
Added lines 61-62:

:Custom float columns:cfloatcols number of columns in custom floats (*|1;2;3) +
04 May 2008 at 07:43 PM by John Rankin - make colorlinks the default
Changed line 31 from:
:Colour links:colorlinks use colour to denote hyperlinks (on;*off) +
:Colour links:colorlinks use colour to denote hyperlinks (*on;off) +
02 May 2008 at 09:01 AM by John Rankin - set default cfloatstyle to plain
Changed line 52 from:
:Custom float style:cfloatstyle style used to format custom floats (boxed;ruled;plain;*plaintop|shaded) +
:Custom float style:cfloatstyle style used to format custom floats (boxed;ruled;*plain;plaintop|shaded) +
25 April 2008 at 09:39 AM by John Rankin - add 12pt size option
Changed line 43 from:
:Text size:fontsize font size for body text and headings (*11pt| regular;14pt| large) +
:Text size:fontsize font size for body text and headings (*11pt| regular;12pt| large;14pt| larger) +
19 March 2008 at 01:47 PM by John Rankin - set side captions as the page default
Added lines 1-56:
!!!Print options for [[{*$FullName}?action=browse | {*$Group}: {*$Title}]]

These are the options available to writers and readers for controlling the look of a single typeset page.

!!!!Document settings
:Format:format output format (hide makepdf) -

:Type:ptype publish type (hide print) -

:Surtitle:surtitle optional strapline appears above header ("")

:Title:title appears as a heading and in page header ("$Groupspaced: $Title")

:Subtitle:subtitle appears as a heading and in page footer ("Page from the $WikiTitle")

:Watermark:watermark appears on every page (|[none],draft,exposure draft,confidential,sample) +

:Duplex:duplex format pages to print 2 sided (*on;off) +

:Page size:pagesize ISO or US standard (*A4;A5;US | US letter) +

!!!!Text settings
:Justification:justification text justified or ragged right (*on;off) +

:Paragraph separator:parasep separation between paragraphs (*indent;space) +

:Section on new page:sectionnewpage major section starts new page (on;*off) +

:Autonumber sections:autonumber depth of numbered sections (1 | on;*0| off) +

:Colour links:colorlinks use colour to denote hyperlinks (on;*off) +

:Heading style:headingstyle font style for section heading text (*sans;serif) +

:Body style:bodystyle font style for body text (sans;*serif) +

:Rule style:hrstyle style for horizontal rules (*105|clover cross, 150|sparkle cross, 166|diamond cross, 121|bold asterisk, 122|open asterisk, 133|petal asterisk, 134|open petal asterisk, 140|five petal flower, 144|snowflake, 246|aldus leaf, 247|hedera leaf, 040|space, asterisk) +

:Rule style repeat:hrrepeat repeat horizontal rule character (on;*off) +

:Font set:fontset predefined collections of sans and serif fonts (*pslatex|times, default|computer modern, newcent|new century, palatino|palatino, palatcm|palatino modern, fourier|utopia) +

:Text size:fontsize font size for body text and headings (*11pt| regular;14pt| large) +

:Table of contents:toc turn bookmarks into table of contents (on;*off) +

!!!!Float settings
:Image size:imagesize make all images smaller (regular;small;*sidecaps|side captions;rotate|allow rotation) +

:Allow floats here:floathere place floats at the current position if possible (on;*off) +

:Custom float style:cfloatstyle style used to format custom floats (boxed;ruled;plain;*plaintop|shaded) +

:Custom float name:cfloatname name used to label custom floats (|[default],*$CfloatName) +

The reader's choices override the writer's. A + indicates that this is a default unless over-ridden.
Page last modified on 23 February 2009 at 02:16 PM