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Bibliographies.LessCommonBibOptions History

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02 August 2009 at 06:26 PM by John Rankin - add new option for unknown citations
Added line 10:
||new ||New reference(s): ||Displayed if unk=unk option shows undefined citations ||
03 April 2007 at 01:44 PM by John Rankin - list other bib options
Added lines 1-13:
The default text values used in formatting the list of references may be changed, by adding one or more of the following optional <name>="<text value>" pairs to the [=(:bib:)=] directive.

||!Options for bib blocks!||
||!Name ||!Default value ||!Purpose ||
||access ||[=, accessed on %d %B %Y=] ||Translation of yyyy-mm-dd in reference text ||
||duplicates ||Duplicate reference(s) ||Title given to any references with duplicate keys ||
||more ||Further reading ||Title given to uncited references when fmt=# or fmt=* ||
||none ||none cited ||Displayed if a page contains a bib block and no citations ||
||title ||[=References for {$Title}=] ||Title given to the list of references ||

An author can cause the citation keys to be displayed along with the reference text, by specifying the option keys=keys. This can be useful when looking for a "missing" reference.

Page last modified on 02 August 2009 at 06:26 PM